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"Jurproekt" proved the validity of the plot area and reduced the purchase price by 11 times

The Novosibirsk businessman purchased two industrial buildings in the Zavodskoy district of Kemerovo. Intending to buy out the land occupied by the buildings, he turned to the Yurproekt Bar Association for legal assistance.

After analyzing the situation, the company's specialists came to the conclusion that the current cadastral value is overstated by more than 11 times. In this regard, before the start of the buyout procedure, measures were taken to reduce it: following the results of the trial, the cadastral value and, as a result, the buyout price were reduced from 28 to 2.5 million rubles.

However, after the decrease in the cadastral value, the Committee for State Property Management of the Kemerovo Region refused to buy the site for the entrepreneur. The Committee considered that its requested area (7,500 sqm) was excessive for two small properties (100 sqm and 170 sqm). The Applicant was asked to prove that the entire site was needed for the operation of the buildings.

To calculate the standard area of ​​the site, the Yurproekt Company engaged an authoritative design organization, and the prepared design justification was submitted to KUGI KO.

The result of the work carried out was the repeated consideration by the Committee of the issue of land purchase, and this time the authorized body considered it possible to sell the entire plot for two and a half million rubles. On August 3, the entrepreneur's right to land was registered with Rosreestr. The entrepreneur's savings as a result of our cooperation amounted to more than 25 million rubles.

Dmitriy Alexandrovich Malinin
Chairman of the Bar Association "Jurproekt"

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